Displaying posts tagged with


I never metagenomics I didn’t like

“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” — Proverbs 27:2 “What-ever” —  Me In PLoS Computational Biology this week, a trio of researchers provides a review of the challenges that metagenomics might ― and already do ― pose for bioinformaticians. The authors refer to metagenomic […]

Bioinformatics Blog Carnival #1

Yes! Why should the evolution people have all the fun with their blog carnival? (After all, it is only a theory.) It’s time for bioinformaticians to show what we are made of, and to have a carnival of our own. Bio::blogs had a good run some time ago. I decided to reconnect what is hopefully […]

Bioinformatics blog carnival

Byte Size Biology will be hosting the first edition of the bioinformatics blog carnival. All you bioinformatics bloggers, submit your entries by Mar 9, 2010 23:59:03  EST. Note the 3 second extension I have already given. There will be no more deadline extensions, I’ve been generous enough as it is. The carnival will be posted […]

Short bioinformatic hacks: reading between the genes

In celebration of the biohackathon happening now in Tokyo, I am putting up a script that is oddly missing from many bioinformatic packages: extracting intergenic regions. This one was written together with my student, Ian. As for the biohackathon itself, I’m not there, but I am following the tweets and  Brad Chapman’s excellent posts: Day […]

Going to GOA, pt. 2: children of a lesser GO

The source file associated with this post can be downloaded here. The last time I talked about how to read a GOA gene_associations file into a Python dictionary data structure.  Our goal was to find all genes that are annotated as hydrolases in the GOA gene_associations file. The tricky part is, most enzymes are not […]

Going to GOA: pt. 1

GOA, the Gene Ontology Annotation, provide Gene Ontology annotation to proteins in UniProt. It also provides GO annotations to several genome projects: Chicken, Arabidopsis, Fly, Human, Mouse, Rat and Cow. Anyone working on any of those genomes, or on UniProt and is interested in annotation, would most likely need to query GOA once in a […]

Thankful for…

In no particular order or context. No personal stuff and by no means a complete list: WordPress (like, duh). Wikipedia (default for looking up new stuff) Wikis in general (great lab management tool. Don’t need LIMS) Open Access Publishing and Creative Commons licensing. FLOSS licensing (90% of the software I use, and 100% of what […]

Photosynthesis, phages and structures: there’s treasure everywhere!

Here’s a really cool work, published this September in Nature.. Why did I choose this work?  Well, it’s a major discovery, and it’s all done using bioinformatics, and fairly simple bioinformatics at that. The power of metagenomics and bioinfromatics: in a mass of data you just have to know what you are looking for, and […]

Short Bioinformatics Hacks: Glimmer Splitter

Glimmer is a program that predicts ORFs in bacterial and archeal genomes. The input is the assembled genome FASTA file, the output are several files of the predictions in different stages. The terminal output file is the .predict file. which looks something like this: >NODE_1_length_38001_cov_935.551880 orf00001 481      362  -2     1.45 orf00002      451      567  +1     0.59 […]

The medium-rare biosphere

All the roots hang down Swing from town to town They are marching around Down under your boots All the trucks unload Beyond the gopher holes There’s a world going on Underground — Tom Waits, “Underground” Our picture of the microbial biosphere is heavily skewed towards what we can see, culture, and are interested in. […]

It ain’t necessarily so

First, a short glossary. Homologous genes are descended from a common ancestral gene. There are two types of homology: Orthology is homology due to a speciation event. So if there is a gene A’ in humans and A” in mice, and they are obviously similar in sequence, we infer that they homologous. We usually also […]

New: weekly poll

I will try to maintain a weekly poll on BsB, for matters biologick, bioinformatick, generally scientifick or otherick. As in any poll, if read too much into its questions or answers, you should seriously chill. That being said, comments are most welcome. The poll is on the sidebar that’a’way.—> (Scroll a bit down if you […]

A FLORA of Protein Structure to Protein Function

Proteins are the machinery of life, and they facilitate most of life’s functions. Traffic into and out of the cell? Protein pumps, pores and channels. Respiration? Proteins. Metabolism and catabolism? Proteins. Immune system, signaling, development…  all complex networks of interacting proteins. Understanding a protein’s  structure can tell us a lot about how it performs its […]

Short bioinformatics hacks, ch. 2: chunk it.

First, a non-bioinformatic one liner, which is very relevant to most of us working on 3 different machines simultaneously, not including the 80 in our cluster. ssh-ing and giving your password each time is painful, and makes it almost impossible to do scripted file transfers, like backups. A good solution is shared key ssh in […]

Short Bioinformatics Hacks, ch. 1

In any programming gig, and that includes bioinformatics, a lot of repeat scriptology comes cropping up. I decided to share some of that, pro publico bono, and also because I hope to start some sort of ongoing cookbook  for short bioinformatics hacks. If you have any cool short scripts you like to share, please email […]