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Open Access Explained. Well.

Today is the last day of Open Access Week, where all things Open Access are heralded. William Gunn gave a great talk here at MU on how open access is changing scholarship. (And a big thank you to our librarians Jen Waller & Kevin Messner for hosting William!)  I have posted about Open Access before, […]

DNA half life, and my dream of an Allosaurus Army

Let’s get this clear: Tyrannosaurus rex, the best selling figurine of class reptilia is not my favorite bad-ass top-of-the-food chain predator. Come on. Did you see its arms? I mean…   As a kid, I always thought the Allosaurus was much cooler. For one thing, it was on the cover of my favorite dinosaur book, “The […]

That being said, I still want a Google+ invite…

… because, um, I dunno. Just too nerdy I guess. Click here to send me one, if you are so inclined: http://is.gd/Ag43 Thanks! .

Motivating people: the illustrated version

The art of motivating employees. Interesting insights and beautiful illustrations. Also, a good mention of the open source and collaborative content movements. Dan Pink – Drive

Real programmers use…

A nice take on the vi / emacs wars Also, real programmers browse the web using the vimperator.

Mad Scientist

From Abstruse Goose

Genetic Algorithms

XKCD appeals to my geeky humor side. Also, as a staunch Pythoneer, I cherish the occasional Python reference. To complete the trifecta, I just saw T2 for the umptieth time two days ago.