I found this rather addictive online game, Red. Of course, I only play it when I am, er, compiling. Um, yeah. That’s the ticket. The thing is, the game also has a great soundtrack, which introduced me to a band called Koop. Their music alternates between eerie ambient and big-band-ish. They may have a big-band […]
cag·ey /ˈkājē/ (adjective) Reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion CAGI /ˈkājē/ (acronym) Critical Assessment of Genomic Interpretations. For details keep reading. The ability to sequence one’s genome adds a new dimension to the ancient maxim “know thyself”. What could be more revealing of one’s self than one’s own blueprint, explaining existing […]
This has been going around the intertubes for a while now. Still very cool.
Speaking of sampling bacteria, this ties in well with the previous post about GEBA. And by “well” I mean “in an alternate-universe/ altered-consciousness manner”. The voices in the song are sampled from this KFC employee training tape. The video won a prize in machinima.com. So if you like World of Warcraft, bacteria, KFC, sampled music, […]
I am preparing an introduction-to-fungi class. Found this cool Aspergillus-related animation: Life on Earth never fails: Not sure what this is: Of course, there are the zombie ants I have written about before: