OK Go’s video for their song Needing/Getting. Pretty crazy. From the details section in the YouTube page The new music video from OK Go, made in partnership with Chevrolet. OK Go set up over 1000 instruments over two miles of desert outside Los Angeles. A Chevy Sonic was outfitted with retractable pneumatic arms designed to […]
Because you can never have too much Gogol Bordello.
Arcade Fire’s new album, The Suburbs is officially available today. Unofficially, there is already a fan video. Pretty cool. You can also listen to a stream of the entire album from NPR.
If the title of this post makes you cringe, then you belong to a minority of people who realize why the phrase “highly evolved” is so wrong. Unfortunately, “highly evolved” (as an absolute term) and “more evolved” (as a comparative term) seem to be used all-too frequently. They are uttered not only by non-scientists and […]