So there have been a few reactions to my latest post on accountable research software, including a Tweeter kerfuffle (again). Ever notice how people come out really aggressive on Twitter? Must the the necessity to compress ideas into 140chars. You can’t just write “Interesting point you make there, sir. Don’t you think that your laudable goal would […]
Great meeting: Biocuration 2012, Georgetown University, DC. When I leave a meeting with my head exploding with new ideas and a need to try them all out at once, I know I got my money’s worth, and then some. Even a three hour flight delay followed by discovering my car with a dead battery […]
The AFP/CAFA 2011 meeting was held on July 15 and July 16. Yes, it was a huge success, and I’m not just saying that beacuse I am one of the organizers. I will write up something more comprehensive soon; in the meantime, here are my tweets from the meeting. I am learning a lot about […]
ISMB this year had quite a few twiterrers. Hashtag: #ISMB. I tried to collect all the #ISMB tweets, so I wrote my own twitter scavenger script, but it seems to go only 3 days back. I am not sure if this is a Twitter feature, or something with the library I am using (tweepy) or […]
I have recently been invited to Google+, (thanks Ruchira!) and as social timesucks go, it is quite enjoyable. Here are my first impressions about g+. In a nutshell: g+’s attempt at compartmentalized communication is laudable, but falls short of the mark. Mainly because, no social network can emulate the real-life way we communicate (or not) with […]
… because, um, I dunno. Just too nerdy I guess. Click here to send me one, if you are so inclined: Thanks! .
There are some interesting developments regarding the February outbreak of Legionelliosis which was traced to the Playboy mansion. Reminder: over 120 delegates of the DOMAINFest in Santa Monica, California came down with symptoms of a respiratory illness. The convention included a trip to the Playboy mansion, which later was suspected as the outbreak source. […]
This seems very promising: two consecutive workshops on biological Wikis in Naples. If you have a life-science related wiki, plan on doing one, or just want to learn about how collaborative authoring can help your work, this would be a great place to do so. Thanks to Paolo Romano for the information. Joint NETTAB 2010 […]
The Third Reviewer is a website for those of us who would rather show up to a journal club late, beer in hand and in their pajamas. Which means basically 100% of all scientists I know. TTR pulls feeds form multiple journals, and posts the abstracts on its site for us to comment upon; anonymously […]
Pawel on Open Science. Full disclosure: I consider sharing an office with this guy for over a year to be one of the best experiences of my postdoc.
Despite our best attempts to remove species from the face of the Earth, there is still quite a bit of life out there and it is still quite diverse. Also, there are still quite a few people who want to document, describe and make the rest of us aware of the magnitude and diversity of […]
In no particular order or context. No personal stuff and by no means a complete list: WordPress (like, duh). Wikipedia (default for looking up new stuff) Wikis in general (great lab management tool. Don’t need LIMS) Open Access Publishing and Creative Commons licensing. FLOSS licensing (90% of the software I use, and 100% of what […]
I will try to maintain a weekly poll on BsB, for matters biologick, bioinformatick, generally scientifick or otherick. As in any poll, if read too much into its questions or answers, you should seriously chill. That being said, comments are most welcome. The poll is on the sidebar that’a’way.—> (Scroll a bit down if you […]
Open Notebook What is it? Open Notebook means “no insider information” You lab notebook is on a wiki, out there for everyone to see. Negative results & all. You share your research process with the world as you go along. There are many shades to this process: you may share some of your data, edit […]
Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB) is a large international gathering of computational biologists, mostly from the bioinformatics side: genomics, structural bioinformatics, computational genomics, etc. This year there is a friendfeed room for microblogging ISMB 2009. So if you are not in Stockholm, or also if you are, look it up. Most of the microbloggers […]