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How much do cows offset wind energy savings?

So I saw this Tweet from Michael Eisen a couple of days ago:   and those cows are destroying whatever gains clean energy creates https://t.co/DWRFj5x8Jj — Michael Eisen (@mbeisen) September 3, 2016   This was in reference to a Slate article by Dan Gross about how Iowa is leading the US  in renewable energy, specifically […]

Probably a good time to talk about pancreatic cancer

  Percent of pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed when the disease is still localized: 8 Their 5-year relative survival: 21.5% Percent of pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed when the disease has metastasized: 53 Their 5-year relative survival: 1.8% Mean survival rate after diagnosis: < 1 year Ranking in cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide: 4 Number of effective […]

Motivating people: the illustrated version

The art of motivating employees. Interesting insights and beautiful illustrations. Also, a good mention of the open source and collaborative content movements. Dan Pink – Drive