ISMB 2011 tweets
ISMB this year had quite a few twiterrers. Hashtag: #ISMB. I tried to collect all the #ISMB tweets, so I wrote my own twitter scavenger script, but it seems to go only 3 days back. I am not sure if this is a Twitter feature, or something with the library I am using (tweepy) or my own Twitter API programming nOObness. In any case, here are the Tweets, July 19-22. Unfortunately, I could not get those from July 17-19th. These are mostly from Michael Ashburner’s closing Keynote.
I will put the code for the application up later. (Temporary name: Vulture.)
Fri Jul 22 21:00:20 2011 pjacock #BOSC2011 (pre #ISMB SIG) notes by @chapmanb – Day Two pm: #Semantic Web session, and misc #opensource project session
Fri Jul 22 20:58:53 2011 pjacock #BOSC2011 (pre #ISMB SIG) notes by @chapmanb – Day Two am: Amazon’s Matt Wood @mza keynote, #cloud computing session
Fri Jul 22 20:55:41 2011 pjacock #BOSC2011 (pre #ISMB SIG) notes by @chapmanb – Day One pm: Visualization & #NGS sessions
Fri Jul 22 20:54:45 2011 pjacock #BOSC2011 (pre #ISMB SIG) notes by @chapmanb – Day One am: Larry Hunter’s keynote, and Genome Content Management session
Fri Jul 22 20:48:57 2011 pjacock MT @GeneWikiPulse bio-ontologies 2011 – ontologies need lexicons: I recently returned from my first #ISMB in Vienna, …
Fri Jul 22 20:09:38 2011 suganthibala RT @keesvanbochove: Closing remark of Michael Ashburner, a godfather of #bioinformatics, at #ismb: don’t be proprietary about your research, be open.
Fri Jul 22 17:59:59 2011 YiliangDing RT @GenomeBiology: Ana Conesa: Seq depth affects the relative proportions of RNA classes in RNA-seq datasets #ISMB #genomics
Fri Jul 22 14:20:50 2011 BioCatalogue RT @fiedawn: #ismb #biosharing Carole Goble – we have a lot of descriptions in the BioCatalogue – how can we mark up/export to bioDBCore? underway
Fri Jul 22 13:25:30 2011 razoralign RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 11:52:01 2011 druvus RT @keesvanbochove: Good shows how they linked SNPedia with Gene Wiki articles using Semantic MediaWiki. Almost no overlap of gene-disease rels in wikis!! #ismb
Fri Jul 22 11:50:41 2011 druvus RT @_lrr_: Simple yet very handy tool: fastapl (, had a poster at #ismb
Fri Jul 22 11:43:00 2011 coding_doc RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 09:07:58 2011 jackwillstone RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 09:00:55 2011 raunakms RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 09:00:46 2011 GenomeMedicine RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 09:00:31 2011 BioMedCentral RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 07:48:42 2011 sharmanedit RT @GenomeBiology Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Fri Jul 22 01:08:29 2011 SemanticMW RT @keesvanbochove: Good shows how they linked SNPedia with Gene Wiki articles using Semantic MediaWiki. Almost no overlap of gene-disease rels in wikis!! #ismb
Thu Jul 21 22:42:34 2011 iddux After all the talk about standards at #AFPCAFA11 #ISMB this is very timely:
Thu Jul 21 19:30:33 2011 druvus RT @GenomeBiology: Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Thu Jul 21 17:10:44 2011 GenomeBiology Read Genome Biology’s take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog #genomics #ISMB
Thu Jul 21 15:01:18 2011 bffo on way home 2 YYZ, leaving FRA on @aircanada, ~2 weeks on road. VIE for #ISMB and Kyoto (via KIX) 4 #ICGC. on plane feels like we r home
Thu Jul 21 13:54:11 2011 pjacock To all those who thanked me for #bosc2011 / #ISMB / #eccb2011 (live) tweets, no problem – it was an interesting experiment in note taking.
Thu Jul 21 12:36:39 2011 _lrr_ Simple yet very handy tool: fastapl (, had a poster at #ismb
Thu Jul 21 10:55:34 2011 druvus RT @dullhunk: Are videos of the #ISMB keynotes by Ashburner, Berger, Thornton, Serrano, Troyanskaya and Valencia online anywhere? #bioinformatics
Thu Jul 21 10:54:17 2011 druvus RT @GigaScience: Another applied example of #usegalaxy from Marc Bras, with a pipeline for SNP detection in the grapevine: MAPHiTS #ISMB
Thu Jul 21 10:44:54 2011 bffo MT @GigaScience: #ISMB write-up in GigaBlog: Final impressions of Vienna: time 2 go w/t (work)flow… #bioinformatics
Thu Jul 21 08:49:27 2011 fredebibs RT @druvus: ISMB/ECCB 2011 proceedings papers are online #ismb
Thu Jul 21 08:01:27 2011 iainh_z RT @GigaScience: Another #ISMB write-up in GigaBlog: Final impressions of Vienna: time to go with the (work)flow…
Thu Jul 21 05:49:15 2011 heikkil RT @GigaScience: Another applied example of #usegalaxy from Marc Bras, with a pipeline for SNP detection in the grapevine: MAPHiTS #ISMB
Thu Jul 21 03:47:52 2011 galaxyproject RT @GigaScience: Another applied example of #usegalaxy from Marc Bras, with a pipeline for SNP detection in the grapevine: MAPHiTS #ISMB
Thu Jul 21 03:45:10 2011 galaxyproject RT @GigaScience: Another #ISMB write-up in GigaBlog: Final impressions of Vienna: time to go with the (work)flow…
Thu Jul 21 02:43:42 2011 terryogara From chaos, beauty. RT @iGenomics: RW: Rather to fight noise, use noise to make a robust system. Add an oscillator to the system. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 22:03:00 2011 chlalanne RT @druvus: ISMB/ECCB 2011 proceedings papers are online #ismb
Wed Jul 20 21:30:05 2011 jxtx RT @GigaScience: Another #ISMB write-up in GigaBlog: Final impressions of Vienna: time to go with the (work)flow…
Wed Jul 20 21:25:48 2011 GigaScience Another #ISMB write-up in GigaBlog: Final impressions of Vienna: time to go with the (work)flow…
Wed Jul 20 20:47:27 2011 aadhyadi RT @ianholmes: "Don’t be afraid to work with people smarter than you. And work with people you like." Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 20:40:34 2011 druvus ISMB/ECCB 2011 proceedings papers are online #ismb
Wed Jul 20 20:23:34 2011 olgabot @nerdgirls #ismb #ECCB11 was fantastic! Gained deep knowledge in my field, learned about new developments, and made some great friends
Wed Jul 20 20:23:19 2011 _lrr_ RT @RishaNarayan: Really enjoyed the ISMB/ECCB 2011 conference. Many thanks to the organisers. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 20:15:09 2011 lopantano RT @ianholmes: In closing #ismb keynote, Mike Ashburner quoted English philosopher(?) "Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science."
Wed Jul 20 19:59:57 2011 _lrr_ Had a great party at! RT @SaggiSardar: ISMB over for another year. Great conference. Now it’s time to enjoy Vienna! #ISMB
Wed Jul 20 18:39:15 2011 NatureRevGenet Congrats due to all the #ismb speakers for invariably clear and engaging talks
Wed Jul 20 16:46:36 2011 yeastgenome RT @bffo:Cherry,Ashburner and Blake; Sc, Dm & Mm, at the beginning of GO #ISMB indeed a great closing lecture
Wed Jul 20 16:37:08 2011 dullhunk Are videos of the #ISMB keynotes by Ashburner, Berger, Thornton, Serrano, Troyanskaya and Valencia online anywhere? #bioinformatics
Wed Jul 20 16:00:19 2011 bffo Cherry, Ashburner and Blake; Sc, Dm & Mm, at the beginning of GO #ISMB indeed a great closing lecture
Wed Jul 20 14:12:39 2011 tsucheta RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Wed Jul 20 14:00:21 2011 tsucheta RT @ianholmes: "Don’t be afraid to work with people smarter than you. And work with people you like." Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 13:49:25 2011 avilella RT @ianholmes: Mike Ashburner claims "I never had to look for a job, and I’ve never been short of funding". Apparently 1970’s UK = science paradise #ismb
Wed Jul 20 12:52:39 2011 cbjones1943 RT @ianholmes: Once again I recommend Ashburner’s book "Won for All" for more such dirt-dishing details of millenial genomics #ismb
Wed Jul 20 12:46:58 2011 genomeresearch RT @ianholmes: Once again I recommend Ashburner’s book "Won for All" for more such dirt-dishing details of millenial genomics #ismb
Wed Jul 20 12:45:48 2011 cshperspectives Ashburner: Gerry Rubin "to his credit" recognized the merit of Venter’s approach but "Venter nearly screwed us" #ismb via @ianholmes
Wed Jul 20 12:21:24 2011 coding_doc RT @ianholmes: In closing #ismb keynote, Mike Ashburner quoted English philosopher(?) "Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science."
Wed Jul 20 12:17:39 2011 gthorisson Cannot believe my luck: flight from #ismb Vienna landed at Heathrhrow 25min early, so able to catch early bus to Oxford to meet colleagues
Wed Jul 20 11:47:34 2011 ClaireAinsworth RT @dgmacarthur: Check out @ianholmes for highlights of what sounds like a brilliant closing #ISMB keynote by Michael Ashburner.
Wed Jul 20 11:44:55 2011 sharmanedit RT @ianholmes: Once again I recommend Ashburner’s book "Won for All" for more such dirt-dishing details of millenial genomics #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:43:29 2011 sharmanedit Follow @ianholmes now for great live tweeting of Michael Ashburner’s fascinating closing keynote at #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 11:30:14 2011 ianholmes Once again I recommend Ashburner’s book "Won for All" for more such dirt-dishing details of millenial genomics #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:28:56 2011 ianholmes Ashburner gave credit to Suzi Lewis for the idea of 1999 Drosophila annotation jamboree & to Celera for funding it: "cheap consulting" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:27:59 2011 17thescorpion RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:27:20 2011 KatherineMejia RT @ianholmes: "Don’t be afraid to work with people smarter than you. And work with people you like." Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 11:27:18 2011 ianholmes Ashburner’s early sequencing stories: getting Nature paper for ~5kb of fly DNA. Being scooped after talking about a gene to competitor #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:24:58 2011 ianholmes Ashburner never intended to go into compbio. Even genetics was an accident. Recounted early adventures w/Phoenix, Vax, ARPAnet, gopher #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:19:50 2011 dgmacarthur Check out @ianholmes for highlights of what sounds like a brilliant closing #ISMB keynote by Michael Ashburner.
Wed Jul 20 11:19:06 2011 gilbertjacka RT @ianholmes: Mike Ashburner claims "I never had to look for a job, and I’ve never been short of funding". Apparently 1970’s UK = science paradise #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:18:10 2011 ianholmes Mike Ashburner claims "I never had to look for a job, and I’ve never been short of funding". Apparently 1970’s UK = science paradise #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:17:08 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: Mike Ashburner noted that his own hacker, Aubrey de Grey, achieved "later notoriety as a gerontologist" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:16:10 2011 systemsbiology RT @ianholmes: Mike Ashburner turned down by Cambridge..for undergrad deg; took pleasure in turning down Zoology Dept chair 20yrs on #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:15:23 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: Ashburner said Drosophila was his second love affair #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:15:14 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: Ashburner accepted to do Genetics degree at Cambridge. Got married, learned genetics in a Naples lab that summer. Came back did degree #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:14:05 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: Mike Ashburner was turned down by Cambridge Zoology for undergrad degree; took pleasure in turning down Zoology Dept chair 20yrs on #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:12:58 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: In talking about Gene Ontology, Ashburner praised co-founders, as well as Barry Smith: "initially annoying" but "a true philosopher" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:12:54 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: "Don’t be afraid to work with people smarter than you. And work with people you like." Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 11:12:51 2011 ianholmes Mike Ashburner noted that his own hacker, Aubrey de Grey, achieved "later notoriety as a gerontologist" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:12:27 2011 gawbul RT @ianholmes: In closing #ismb keynote, Mike Ashburner quoted English philosopher(?) "Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science."
Wed Jul 20 11:11:51 2011 ianholmes Ashburner’s #ismb pioneers: Roger Staden (Fred Sanger’s hacker), Doug Brutlag (Stanford compbio archive), Amos Bairoch (1st bio webserver)
Wed Jul 20 11:07:57 2011 ianholmes "Barry Smith – you either love him or you hate him" – Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 11:06:55 2011 ianholmes "Don’t be afraid to work with people smarter than you. And work with people you like." Michael Ashburner, closing keynote, #ismb 2011
Wed Jul 20 11:05:44 2011 ianholmes In talking about Gene Ontology, Ashburner praised co-founders, as well as Barry Smith: "initially annoying" but "a true philosopher" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:04:44 2011 ilpuccio Reordering ideas after #BOSC2011 and #ISMB
Wed Jul 20 11:03:30 2011 ianholmes Ashburner clearly enjoyed his time at CalTech (think this was postdoc?) and mentioned Feynman – wonder if they met #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:01:51 2011 ianholmes Ashburner said Drosophila was his second love affair #ismb
Wed Jul 20 11:01:27 2011 ianholmes Ashburner accepted to do Genetics degree at Cambridge. Got married, learned genetics in a Naples lab that summer. Came back did degree #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:59:57 2011 ianholmes When Ashburner first invited to CalTech "I thought in my ignorance, why go to an Institute of Tech? Didn’t realize home of Drosophila" #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:58:42 2011 ianholmes Gerry Rubin "to his great credit" recognized merit of Craig Venter’s approach to sequencing. But "Venter nearly screwed us" -Ashburner #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:56:57 2011 ianholmes Mike Ashburner was turned down by Cambridge Zoology for undergrad degree; took pleasure in turning down Zoology Dept chair 20yrs on #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:56:18 2011 wimufi RT @ianholmes: In closing #ismb keynote, Mike Ashburner quoted English philosopher(?) "Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science."
Wed Jul 20 10:53:13 2011 ianholmes Mike Ashburner’s #ismb keynote concluded with "lessons". It’s all about luck. But must exploit that luck. Get a guru/mentor/parent. Be open.
Wed Jul 20 10:51:18 2011 ianholmes In fine (blissfully un-PC) form, Mike Ashburner also relished stories of competition with "the Germans", "the Spanish" etc. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:50:23 2011 ianholmes Ashburner also noted (and NB I’m not endorsing every quote! but his #ismb keynote WAS juicy) that he’d never be an American citizen.
Wed Jul 20 10:49:05 2011 ianholmes Mike Ashburner was offered a UK biowar job out of college, but refused. Wonders now if he would’ve got security clearance. Hopes not. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:47:53 2011 ianholmes In closing #ismb keynote, Mike Ashburner quoted English philosopher(?) "Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science."
Wed Jul 20 10:45:13 2011 ianholmes To say Gene Ontology received coolly at #ismb Halkidiki in ’97 an understatement; Ashburner "almost laughed out of room" by Sander, Durbin
Wed Jul 20 10:43:23 2011 ianholmes I highly recommend Ashburner’s book "Won for All". Candid autobiography of the millenial corporate genome wars #ismb #fb
Wed Jul 20 10:43:10 2011 druvus I have enjoyed following #ismb tweets from my sunny garden
Wed Jul 20 10:40:34 2011 ianholmes I *really* enjoyed Michael Ashburner’s closing #ISMB keynote. I was unable to tweet at the time but will record some highlights.
Wed Jul 20 10:40:11 2011 ianholmes Nice –> @nutrigenomics @iGenomics Ron Weiss: Don’t fight noise; use it to make gene circuits robust. Add an oscillator to the system. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:33:54 2011 ianholmes RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 10:33:51 2011 ianholmes RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 08:59:25 2011 samuellampa RT @iGenomics: A Bioinformatics training resource: #ismb
Wed Jul 20 08:37:30 2011 biomol_info RT @iGenomics: A Bioinformatics training resource: #ismb
Wed Jul 20 08:25:30 2011 gthorisson On my way home from #ISMB. Vienna airport is crowded, stuffy and not very pleasant. But, it has free wireless Internet so it ROX.
Wed Jul 20 06:56:48 2011 bffo block dates for #ISMB next year (and surrounding dates for SIGs): July 15-17 2012 , this year was great, c u all in LA next year!
Wed Jul 20 06:28:06 2011 iliasSkalk RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 06:27:46 2011 iliasSkalk RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Wed Jul 20 01:33:31 2011 yeastgenome RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Wed Jul 20 01:32:27 2011 yeastgenome RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Wed Jul 20 00:00:26 2011 robymuhamad RT @timjph: @iGenomics here’s report I mentioned: 3.8b$ on human genome project; 310k jobs created & ~800b$ economic impact #ismb
Tue Jul 19 23:53:57 2011 robaganrab RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Chance happens in life. You have to exploit it #ismb
Tue Jul 19 23:38:41 2011 scroeser RT @_lrr_: Michael Ashburner: "If knowledge is not public it is not science. Period." #ismb #eccb11 #openscience
Tue Jul 19 22:53:00 2011 ematsen RT @iddux: HumanN, a new metagenomic analysis package from Huttenhower #ISMB
Tue Jul 19 22:36:32 2011 SaggiSardar ISMB over for another year. Great conference. Now it’s time to enjoy Vienna! #ISMB
Tue Jul 19 22:30:06 2011 aaronquinlan RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Follow Syndey Brenner, he will not use slides because a good phrase is worth thousand of Powerpoint slides. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 21:09:21 2011 aadhyadi RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 21:09:00 2011 chofski RT @SUPERFAMILY: Congratulations to Adam Sarder on winning the outstanding poster award at #ISMB (it’s poster F22 if you want to see it!)
Tue Jul 19 20:42:57 2011 wspoonr RT @pjacock: Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openscience
Tue Jul 19 19:36:10 2011 simon_andrews After all of the #ISMB delegates have left, our hotel wifi mysteriously starts working again.
Tue Jul 19 19:14:33 2011 KamounLab RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 19:14:24 2011 KamounLab RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 18:57:14 2011 julientap RT @iddux: HumanN, a new metagenomic analysis package from Huttenhower #ISMB
Tue Jul 19 18:49:04 2011 alalejandro RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 18:48:56 2011 alalejandro RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 18:48:07 2011 alalejandro If only people would understand how essential this is! MT @keesvanbochove Ashburner #ismb: don’t be proprietary abt your research, be open.
Tue Jul 19 18:46:17 2011 RishaNarayan Really enjoyed the ISMB/ECCB 2011 conference. Many thanks to the organisers. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 18:42:56 2011 caseybergman RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 18:40:34 2011 bergmanlab RT @olgabot: #ismb "If knowledge is not public it is not science" – Michael Ashburner
Tue Jul 19 18:40:33 2011 caseybergman RT @olgabot: #ismb "If knowledge is not public it is not science" – Michael Ashburner
Tue Jul 19 18:31:02 2011 iddux HumanN, a new metagenomic analysis package from Huttenhower #ISMB
Tue Jul 19 18:19:10 2011 iddux @_lrr_: @fionabrinkman learned at #ismb that what we call "analogs" today used to be called "orthologs" by 1s… (cont)
Tue Jul 19 18:18:07 2011 iddux @_lrr_: @fionabrinkman learned at #ismb that what we call "orthologs" today used to be called "analogs" by 1st evolutionary scientists.
Tue Jul 19 17:27:04 2011 4a6a5a RT @simon_andrews: 2 people have now confused me with Simon Anders (DeSeq etc) I should learn more about RNASeq to be able to bluff better. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 17:24:43 2011 Accelrys RT @Fabio11211 #ISMB conf draws to an end! Strong presence & interest at Accelrys booth for NextGenSeq & Protein Modelling solutions
Tue Jul 19 17:19:48 2011 Chris_Evelo MT @pjacock: Gary Bader suggested for shared #bioinformatics tutorials, eg has introduction Cytoscape #ISMB Workshop
Tue Jul 19 17:17:55 2011 suknamgoong RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 17:16:43 2011 cytoscape RT @pjacock: Gary Bader suggested as one project to shared #bioinformatics tutorials, eg has introduction Cytoscape #ISMB Workshop
Tue Jul 19 17:02:34 2011 BetaScience @bgood Wish I was at #ismb with you. I have some great memories from that conference and #Vienna. #pre-kids
Tue Jul 19 16:55:50 2011 betsyrolland RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 16:50:41 2011 jpatanooga RT @keesvanbochove: Closing remark of Michael Ashburner, a godfather of #bioinformatics, at #ismb: don’t be proprietary about your research, be open.
Tue Jul 19 16:22:44 2011 gailfdavies RT @olgabot: #ismb "If knowledge is not public it is not science" – Michael Ashburner
Tue Jul 19 16:20:55 2011 iGenomics @westr Yes, indeed. Michael Ashburner borrowed it to tell 3 life lessons. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 16:18:38 2011 pierrepo RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 16:12:37 2011 FigShare RT @olgabot: #ismb "If knowledge is not public it is not science" – Michael Ashburner
Tue Jul 19 16:12:19 2011 tweetruth RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 16:11:49 2011 FigShare RT @keesvanbochove: Closing remark of Michael Ashburner, a godfather of #bioinformatics, at #ismb: don’t be proprietary about your research, be open.
Tue Jul 19 16:11:22 2011 kshameer RT @antidemagogue: MA: Knowledge which is not public is not science, period. #ismb #bioinformatics #genomics
Tue Jul 19 16:11:08 2011 iscbsc for those student in Vienna, at 8 at stephanplatz #scs2011 #ISMB
Tue Jul 19 16:11:04 2011 kshameer RT @keesvanbochove: Closing remark of Michael Ashburner, a godfather of #bioinformatics, at #ismb: don’t be proprietary about your research, be open.
Tue Jul 19 16:04:14 2011 c_rdzl RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 16:03:00 2011 ffalconi RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Chance happens in life. You have to exploit it #ismb
Tue Jul 19 16:01:34 2011 science3point0 RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 16:01:01 2011 GigaScience RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 15:59:27 2011 pjacock For 2012, #ISMB in Long Beach, USA, and #ECCB in Basel, Switzerland
Tue Jul 19 15:59:21 2011 keesvanbochove RT @timjph: @iGenomics here’s report I mentioned: 3.8b$ on human genome project; 310k jobs created & ~800b$ economic impact #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:59:20 2011 fredebibs RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 15:55:20 2011 pjacock RT @gthorisson: Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 15:54:42 2011 keesvanbochove Closing remark of Michael Ashburner, a godfather of #bioinformatics, at #ismb: don’t be proprietary about your research, be open.
Tue Jul 19 15:54:34 2011 pjacock Embarrassingly many of the #ISMB / #eccb2011 prize winners haven’t stayed for the prize announcements in the closing session
Tue Jul 19 15:52:34 2011 _lrr_ Michael Ashburner: "If knowledge is not public it is not science. Period." #ismb #eccb11 #openscience
Tue Jul 19 15:52:31 2011 gthorisson RT @antidemagogue: MA: Knowledge which is not public is not science, period. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:52:26 2011 ajordens RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:51:54 2011 gthorisson Fantastic #ISMB keynote from Michael Ashburner. What an inspiration. Key msgs: ‘collaborate with people brighter than you’ and ‘openness’
Tue Jul 19 15:49:33 2011 pjacock RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Chance happens in life. You have to exploit it #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:49:30 2011 pjacock RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:48:53 2011 pjacock #ISMB #killerapp award goes to Syed Asad Rahman for EC-BLAST which searches for similar enzymes based on chemical knowledge
Tue Jul 19 15:48:08 2011 antidemagogue MA: Knowledge which is not public is not science, period. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:48:02 2011 iGenomics Michael Ashburner: Chance happens in life. You have to exploit it #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:46:51 2011 pjacock RT @iGenomics: Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:46:35 2011 druvus RT @pjacock: Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 15:46:34 2011 antidemagogue MA: Exploit your luck. Collaborate. Communicate research openly. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:46:21 2011 iGenomics Michael Ashburner: Try to work with people who are smarter than you are. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:45:45 2011 pjacock Michael Ashburner #ISMB tells young scientists to be open in their work. If knowledge is not open, it is not science! #openaccess #opendata
Tue Jul 19 15:45:37 2011 olgabot #ismb "If knowledge is not public it is not science" – Michael Ashburner
Tue Jul 19 15:45:17 2011 iGenomics Michael Ashburner: Science is public knowledge. If it is not open, it is not science. #ismb
Tue Jul 19 15:44:55 2011 biobrichter #ISMB ashburner talk. informative, brings back the memories of the seq 90’s, but very ashburner-centric. True:collab with brighter people!
Tue Jul 19 15:44:26 2011 pjacock Michael Ashburner wrapping up his #ISMB keynote, describes career as a random walk. Recommends collaborating with people brighter than you!
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