Black SNP Friday

Personal genetics companies are fitting in well with the post-Thanksgiving Day consumer frenzy in the US. Well, maybe not so much of a frenzy in this slow economy, more like mild agitation. 23&me are having a sale, your genotype for $99 (+ 1 year subscription, etc, comes out to $159). You can get your genotype, your loved one’s, your children’s (nice holiday pastime: “are you my real parents”?). You know uncle Bob who spits as he talks when he gets excited at the dinner table? This is your chance to collect a sample and finally find out if he really is part of your family. Admit it,  you have had your suspicions for years.

No, I don’t think 23&me do pets. Or turkeys.

But please, if you use the following promo code when you check out: UA3XJH. And do it before Friday. A friend of mine will be getting a prize if this code comes through enough times before Friday.

Clarification: I am not affiliated with 23&me, nor am I seeing a dime from them for this post. I’m doing it to be friendly, because I find the concept of a personal genotyping sale to be lying in the territory between “wow” and “bizarre” , and because it is a slow blogging day.

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One Response to “Black SNP Friday”

  1. cement_head says:

    Nope – won’t do it – can’t deal with the stress.
