Da Vinci, F0-F1 ATPase: a copyright-driven Update

Harvard University has removed from YouTube the video I embedded  in my Leonardo Da Vinci and the F0-F1 ATPase post, due to copyright concerns. It is a pity. I believe the main sufferer from this step is the lab that actually created this video, and now has one outlet less to publicize its work. One would think that after a projected loss of 30% of their endowment, Harvard would come up with more creative ideas for freely publicizing their researchers’ fine work, not less. (Yeah, I know no one reads my blog, but everyone goes to YouTube, including people who don’t normally read Nature).

Whatever. I hope that the IP admins at the  MRC in Cambridge (UK) have a more advanced view on these matters than their concurrents in Cambridge (US), and will keep the following videos up. Here are two F0-F1 ATPase videos from Dr. John E. Walker’s lab. Incidentally, John E. Walker received the 1997 Nobel prize for physiology or medicine for his work on the ATPase enzymatic mechanism. You may find some of these movies on his web page.

The first is a general overview of the F0-F1 in action:

The second shows views from above and then below the F1 domain around the rotating gamma subunit (that’s the blue eccentric stator in the middle):

The third is a group of what appear to be Japanese grad students /postdocs demonstrating the ATPase dance. I have no idea where this came from. I give them a “C-” in dancing, but an “A” in structural biology (to get an A+ they should have tossed tennis balls to represent synthesized ATP):

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One Response to “Da Vinci, F0-F1 ATPase: a copyright-driven Update”

  1. widdowquinn says:

    That dance looks appropriately energetic for ATPase.

    -1 to Harvard University for contributions to knowledge transfer.