I tweet, you twit

Sooo… NIH and NSF started Tweeting. Nice. A good way to keep up with grant programs, funding opportunities, yadda yadda. Here’s my @ tweet :

@NIH protein catalytic site evolution health implic: good for drug design. 
Young scientist, need $0.7M 2010-2013, 2xpostdocs+cluster+travel. 
Prev pubs: http://is.gd/vnPN; kthxbi

I hope I won’t get killed at the renewal…

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4 Responses to “I tweet, you twit”

  1. Ben says:

    Do you think nature or science could start accepting tweets as letters of intent?

  2. Iddo says:


    No, but here is a rather-familiar letter from C/N/S in tweet format:

    Sciencemag @Iddux LOL’d @manuscript, go to PNAS.

  3. Mr. Gunn says:

    NPG @mrgunn Come back when u got some kewl picz. kthxbi

  4. Mat Todd says:

    @NIH #FinalGrantReport Things went OK, not so great at end. 3 pprs, 2 revs, 34 talks. Grad studs happy, 1 went nuts. Need another $0.5M. kthxbi.