Displaying posts tagged with

“National Science Foundation”

I tweet, you twit

Sooo… NIH and NSF started Tweeting. Nice. A good way to keep up with grant programs, funding opportunities, yadda yadda. Here’s my @ tweet : @NIH protein catalytic site evolution health implic: good for drug design. Young scientist, need $0.7M 2010-2013, 2xpostdocs+cluster+travel.  Prev pubs: http://is.gd/vnPN; kthxbi I hope I won’t get killed at the renewal…

More on Microbial Sequencing

(Continued from “On Microbial Sequencing“). Well, it’s really been a great meeting. The biology of pathogens, parasites and symbionts is amazing. Historically, the microbes that chiefly interested us were one of those three: those that causes disease in humans, animals (focus on domesticated animals), plants (again, mostly domesticated). However, as we are (alas, too slowly) […]

On Microbial Sequencing

This is the 9th year the NSF & USDA  hold  a workshop for their microbial sequencing program awardees. (Full disclosure: I am not one of them).  Most of the talks are by the awardees themselves, and there were some great talks. For me an interesting angle was it to see how software is being developed […]