The genomics programming language
Genomics is a new and exciting programming language based on Brainfsck. Here are the commands:
g Move pointer to the right. e Move pointer to the left. n Increment the cell at the pointer. o Decrement the cell at the pointer. m Jump forward past the matching i if the cell at the current pointer is zero. i Jump backward to the matching m unless the cell at the current pointer is zero. c Output the value of the cell at the pointer. s Input a byte and store it in the cell at the pointer.
As you can probably tell, I spent a lot of time working on genomics, but out pure generosity I am placing this incredibly useful language in the public domain. I’m sure we will see a BioGenomics group on Open Bioinformatics Forum any day now, and that genomics will prove to be a game-changer in the field of, um, genomics.
Allow me to end this post with the following inspirational statement:
nnnnnnnnnnmgnnngnnnnnngnnnnnnnngnnnnnnnnnngnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeoiggnnnnnnnn nnnnncenncgggnnnnnnnncgncnnnnnnnceoooooooceeecgggnncoocgoooooooocncennn nnnnncoooocennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncggnnnnceeeencoooooooooooooooooooooooc
Thank you.
Who doesn’t? 😉