Coast to coast (almost) pt. 3: big country, small things

We are “going up” the Grand Staircase in Utah now.  After Zion, we hiked in Bryce Canyon, and tomorrow we will explore the area around Escalante and Capitol Reef. While constantly bombarded by the grand geological marvels of these places, it’s probably important to keep track of some small things. Like this leaf -mimicking grasshopper that decided to hitch a ride with us in Springdale. It actually rode on the roof of the car from the motel to where we had breakfast.

Camouflage. You're doing it wrong.

Camouflage. You're doing it wrong.

Or the slick biofilm on the rocks in the springs in Zion.


Or this sign at on  the Navajo / Queen’s Garden trail in Bryce Canyon:


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