One of the major unsolved problems in bioinformatics is the protein folding problem: given an amino acid sequence, predict the overall three-dimensional structure of the corresponding protein. It has been known since the seminal work of Christian B. Anfinsen in the early seventies that the sequence of a protein encodes its structure, but the exact […]
Back to ancient life, what exactly defines life, and where does life end and non-life begin. One of my favorite subjects, and one of which I am the least knowledgeable. Doesn’t stop me writing about it though. Viruses are… well… not really life. Or so says common wisdom. They have some elements of life: a […]
Posting for a colleague, who leads a great structural bioinformatics group in Valencia. Structural Genomics Unit Bioinformatics & Genomics Department – Príncipe Felipe Research Center Seeking a Bioniformatician and a Postdoc The Structural Genomics Unit at the CIPF (Valencia, Spain) seeks candidates for two open positions: Open position in RNA 3D modeling (Technician/Bioinformatician) Open position in […]