Displaying posts tagged with


Friday fun story: extreme bug hunting on MIRA

MIRA is a really cool sequence assembly software, developed and maintained by Bastien Chevreux. MIRA has a large and active community, led by the funny and gracious Bastien, for whom no problem is too small, or too large. Recently MIRA seemed to have developed a stochastic bug, one of those which are a serious headache […]

The Assemblathon

The Genome Center at University of California Davis and researchers at UC Santa Cruz are  organizing a genome assembly competition which they call The Assemblathon. They have released two simulated genomes  for competing groups to assemble as best they can. Assemblies are due February 6th, 2011. So there is still time, if you would like […]

AMOS on Ubuntu

AMOS is a suite of genome assembly and editing software. It includes assemblers, validation, visualization, and scaffolding tools.  I have been having some issues installing AMOS on Ubuntu  9.10.  Specifically, Ubuntu 9.10 has gcc 4.4, which breaks the compilation of the AMOS release version. However, the development version has been fixed to accommodate that. If […]