Beautiful video showing the mathematical beauty of nature, or the natural beauty of math. Here’s what I managed to figure out: 0:08-0:44 – Fibonacci sequence 0:45-1:40 – The Golden Ratio 2:40 – Delauney triangulations leading to Voronoi diagrams (2:56 and to the end)
Would you have your genome sequenced for free? Conditions: you must license it for all use; a liberal CC-no attribution-like license which allows for commercial use as well. Also, your genome will be made public with many personal data such as age, height, sex, weight, ethnicity, personal status (we want to find the “money making […]
Recently, a judge in Federal District Court in Manhattan ruled that Myriad’s patents on BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were invalid, being a “products of the law nature” and could be patented no more than, say, mount Everest. These two genes are associated with breast and ovarian cancer, and are used in testing for susceptibility to […]
AMOS is a suite of genome assembly and editing software. It includes assemblers, validation, visualization, and scaffolding tools. I have been having some issues installing AMOS on Ubuntu 9.10. Specifically, Ubuntu 9.10 has gcc 4.4, which breaks the compilation of the AMOS release version. However, the development version has been fixed to accommodate that. If […]
It seems like there is no institution that is more criticized in science than that of the peer-review system — an no one that is less mutable. While published paper evaluation metrics are being revised (such as the recently introduced PLoS article level metrics, or the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council abandonment of […]
A promising meeting you may want to attend. Full disclosure: I’m in the program committee for this one. ISMB SIG CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND POSTERS – Deadline April 30 Metagenomics, Metadata and Meta-analysis / Biosharing A Special Interest Group (SIG) organized by the Genomic Standards Consortium ( at ISMB 2010 on July 9-10, 2010 in […]
Pawel on Open Science. Full disclosure: I consider sharing an office with this guy for over a year to be one of the best experiences of my postdoc.
π approximation script, from Stephen Chappell. import sys def pi(): a, b, c, d, e, f = 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3 while True: if a * 4 + b – c < c * e: yield e a, b, c, d, e, f = a * 10, (b – c * e) * […]
I have written about the Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results before and now this just popped in my inbox from JSUR’s Google group. Apparently JSUR is now open for business. JSUR Call for Participation Submit your short (2-4page) and full length manuscripts to the Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results. Over the past month […]
Yes! Why should the evolution people have all the fun with their blog carnival? (After all, it is only a theory.) It’s time for bioinformaticians to show what we are made of, and to have a carnival of our own. Bio::blogs had a good run some time ago. I decided to reconnect what is hopefully […]
I’ve been cleaning out my Gmail from attachment-emails recently. (Why do people continue to send me video files when there’s YouTube?) Anyhow, Mickey Kosloff sent me this. In this pic, form meet function, being concise and to the point, as a good grant application should be.