Save time, vote for me


3quarksdaily are running their annual competition for best science blog entry. There are 87 really great blog posts competing there for the votes of  3QD readers. But who has the time to read through all of them? So let me make it easy for you: vote for me.

This blog’s “Dead Salmon” blog post has been nominated. To get the prize, I need your help. Only the top 20 entries out of 87 nominees will be considered for the final prizes. Please vote for Byte Size Biology: but did you check your results using a dead salmon? If you vote for me, you don’t waste time going through all the other posts, you know you voted for a great post (read it, it’s totally cool. Seriously). And you get to do you civic duty. Or something.

So vote. Then have your family members vote. Your work mates. Your lovers. Your pets. Your car mechanic, your dentist, your hairdresser, your haberdasher, your dog walker, your parole officer, your tattoo artist, your chauffeur and your bartender. Spread the word. Retweet, and share!

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