Android apps for scientists

A few science apps for the Android mobile phone operating system. Some of these I have, some I don’t , and some I really would like to check out. Feel free to add more that you know of in the comment section. Better yet, make a wish…

Science Literature:

AgileMedSearch: Searching through pubmed databases. Pretty much bare-bones. Can search for articles, read abstracts, and email details. PubMedMobile seems to have some more functionality, with a link to the article, if available, and more search parameters.



Elements is a periodic table with more data that you will probably ever need. PubChemMobile allows you to search the pubchem database, a central repository of compounds. MolPad is a compound drawing app.



AgileSciTools is a calculator set for biologists. Includes functions to determine molarity dilutions, cell dilutions, MOI calculations, and primer resuspension volumes. You can also count cells using the Laboratory Cell Counter.


Not exactly for scientists, but still interesting:

PersonalGenomics offers a side-by-side comparison of personal genomics services: deCODEme, Navigenics and 23andme  by loci and variants for top 20 conditions. I wonder if any of those companies offer a mobile-friendly interface, or an app to read their results. Then again, why would you want to browse your own genome data from  your phone?


Finally, there is the Star Trek Tricorder. It costs 0.99 € , but being from the future, a paid app is not unreasonable.

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